Daily Archives: March 29, 2014

April Waves

Wednesday surf! Owen Weaver my brother from another mother shredding in SRQ county. Photo: venicejetty.com

Wednesday surf! Owen Weaver my brother from another mother shredding in SRQ county. Photo: venicejetty.com

For Thursday May 1st 7am WFL Surf Outlook: Surf looks to be 1ft on Thursday and Friday. The gradient is backing way down and the sea state is mellowing rapidly. Big disparity between the have south swells and the have not south swells today. The best south swell spots that typically get it were good today and the rest were knee high range… I wish all of you got what a few got, chest high nugs like the one pictured above. If you did score well props’. Let us know how you did in the comments many already have. I jumped this swell last week and the cold front end fizzled. So I’m glad the south swell part delivered for those who scored… Im taking Thursday off to celebrate my family. 22 years with the same chica, my soul mate. My anniversary gift is a surf day and swell coming so I’m out. I will be back on Friday with an update… Thanks to everybody.




The Compound Rocks!