April Waves

Wednesday surf! Owen Weaver my brother from another mother shredding in SRQ county. Photo: venicejetty.com

Wednesday surf! Owen Weaver my brother from another mother shredding in SRQ county. Photo: venicejetty.com

For Thursday May 1st 7am WFL Surf Outlook: Surf looks to be 1ft on Thursday and Friday. The gradient is backing way down and the sea state is mellowing rapidly. Big disparity between the have south swells and the have not south swells today. The best south swell spots that typically get it were good today and the rest were knee high range… I wish all of you got what a few got, chest high nugs like the one pictured above. If you did score well props’. Let us know how you did in the comments many already have. I jumped this swell last week and the cold front end fizzled. So I’m glad the south swell part delivered for those who scored… Im taking Thursday off to celebrate my family. 22 years with the same chica, my soul mate. My anniversary gift is a surf day and swell coming so I’m out. I will be back on Friday with an update… Thanks to everybody.




The Compound Rocks!


149 thoughts on “April Waves

  1. RUSS-D

    ESA Regionals are on live at http://www.surfesa.org/
    Shea Lopez is announcing(for now) and Sterling Foster just got a little barrel. Waves are clean but fat with high tide.
    I surfed yesterday and got 1st in my heat and 4th in my semi, missing the transfer spot by 3/10ths of a point. Heading out to free surf somewhere soon as the tide drops a bit.

  2. jack

    Knee to thigh, mushy, breaking on shore at Middle as of 11am. Hopefully things improve, though it may already be better somewhere else. Not sure how middle does with a SW’er.

  3. Chris

    Jack middle is not the greatest sw spot it seems like it never gets all of the swell when it’s sw it still gets fun though no doubt

  4. Stephen Sopitted

    I was told, “the water is closed, there is too much lightning.” I didn’t know you could close water. Apparently when 2 red flags are flying that is what they mean. Frustration.

  5. Evy Alland

    Yes! I will seek and find Sunday….
    Russ … 3/10th…ouch!! no matter! sounds like you had fun : ))

  6. jack

    Surprisingly good waves at top secrets tonight. I checked SK and it didn’t look to promising so I drove to TS. Figured it couldn’t be any worse there and scored. Thoughts on tomorrow?

  7. RUSS-D

    what a great way to end the month. Friday I surfed the SE Regionals in thumping head high + wind slop waves, Saturday woke up to some clean waist to chest + waves that improved as the tide dropped making for a really fun afternoon session. And today i get to surf at home on some funky chop slop :). HAPPY CAMPER RIGHT NOW!!!!!

  8. RUSS-D

    waves where better than I expected today. Waist high with some peaky chesties coming in on occasion. Nice and walled up for some fun turns and hits. Started to back off about an hour ago. March has been a good month of surf. Going to hate to see it go(the month, hopefully not the surf).

  9. jack

    Waves were solid chest and walling up at the hole at top secrets this morning. Hope everyone lucked out.

  10. admin Post author

    SSP- was that you out there tube hunting? looked fun! cody’s bs turn, that wave is standing up

  11. Stephen Sopitted

    Always! I got inside one. but had to punch through the doggy door. Are you in town??? Oh, ya. Those ones are sweet. It was fun. Probably some solid overhead sets. There were long periods between sets. I think I probably waited 20 minutes for some sets today. Just an epic all around month.

  12. bcruzer

    Sick PR pics mdub. Live the dream bro…
    Hope to visit PR someday but with a lot smaller waves. Lol.

  13. Robbed72

    Micah … it’s pretty ironic reading your comments about Tres because just yesterday I said the same thing on my Facebook page after I saw pics. I am quite happy these days with chest high to a few feet OH at max … these days, I want nothing do do with anything outside of having fun … waves like that (in your pics) CAN kill you. As family men, it’s better to put your pride aside … and live another day bro … the foamball alone at that place looks like it’d swamp a large house … Noooooo thanks!!!! I’ll pass on that!

  14. RUSS-D

    110% with you guys on staying away from waves of big consequence. After getting held down for longer than I ever wanted, and almost taking a breath while still under water, during Hurricane Katia I am through with the really big stuff. That day was just too big for Florida’s Beaches to handle(at least Brevard). Friday during the Regionals was a bit more than I like to take on also. It was big, crossed up, VAS(ish) and gnarly with a lot of water moving in different directions. I used to froth for anything bigger than head high. Now all I want is punchy chest to head high, maybe a bit bigger, and fun. SOmething I can go out on have a blast and come home without thinking about the one that almost killed me.

  15. circuitboard

    Thanks for the comments. I thought it was just me. Anything over 8foot and I start thinking about kids college, football games, grandchildren etc. My crew still charges the big stuff and call me a big pu55.
    Like Robbed72 I want nothing to do outside of having fun. Glad I’m not alone.
    My trip to PR was chest+ and no complaints! Thanks again Micah!

  16. Raymond

    What sketches me out is, every leash I have ever had wasn’t like ok the thing is getting freyed up and then one day, just an expected tear. No. Randomly, on every one the joint comes apart. I think some big waves could be super fun with a ski, a good vest, and a bit of local knowledge. One hold down I had would have been a 4 second hold down with a vest but without it it was more like a frantic tombstoning 12 or 15, blacked out colors, down to the depths 15 feet under. Some of the vests are pretty nice now days and if your not wearing one and your surfing over 20footers your asking to die.

    1. admin Post author

      good point Raymond, a lot of those guys were wearing pfd’s. I’m going to surf Tres next time, hopefully at the 10-12ft level. that’s what they call baby tres but it’s still fun. the only place I ever got seriously OH waves on the gulf was some of the big days in Bradenton at Beach house/Cortez. That place is so fun when it gets 6-8ft plus. It used to be able to handle more size than any other spot on the gulf, I dont know now w all the re nourishment(dredging).

  17. Robbed72

    I’d surf Tres at 10′ – 12′ … Last true OH stuff I was in was last year in Dominican Republic … paddled out at Encuentro over by Coco Pipe … and drifted through the shifting peak all the way over to Destroyers. If you have ever surfed that place, you know that you HAVE to stick the drop and get a clean bottom turn (to await a heavy throwing lip) … and either go for the shack or speed out on to the face … For me, it was speed to the face all day that day … I got crushed a few times while paddling out. It’s a humbling experience to get put in your place.

  18. Gulfsyed

    I can imagine riding a wave that big is an insane rush. Dropping in the first time at that size is asking for trouble though, definitely better to step it up a foot or two at a time. I would also have to step up my lung capacity and paddling power!

    March for the gulf was solid and consistent, I thought the whole winter was great, between east coast trips and a lot of clean days here…..best winter for me anyway in a while.

    Great write up again

  19. RUSS-D

    I know I caught BH at the end of last winter really really good one morning. Fun barrels for about 3 hours. I don’t think I have ever had so many makeable barrels in one session. Need more days like that. There where only 81-10 people out and spread across the sand bar. Just one of “those” days 🙂

  20. chalky

    Surfed tres way undergunned and out of my league March of last year. If it was 12 ft plus it felt like 20. Got held under on one, didnt realize it was that dangerous. Had an immediate conversation with God, we decided 6-8ft would be better. Gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em. Probably not gonna surf that again….

  21. Robbed72

    ^^^ “We decided 6-8 would be better” … LOL … that was a good story Chalky …

  22. Evy Alland

    Gulf may be flat this week – but these stories and posts made for some great reading –

  23. bcruzer

    Since we are flat, something to read for those who are free spirit to experience different kinds of stoked…

    “The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun”
    Duke Kahanamoku

    It’s all about having fun anyway. Peace.

    Cocoa Beach Surf Museum – A piece of surfing history
    April Exhibit Opening

    A new Paipo exhibit is in the works and the target date for opening is Easter weekend. In Hawaii, pae po’o is commonly shortened to “paepo.” The term appears to have been coined by Hawaiian surfers in Waikiki circa 1900, where it was commonly used to mean bodysurfing or bodysurfing with a small wooden bodyboard. The literal translation of pae po`o is “ride [a wave] head-first,” or in other words, bodysurf, and a papa pae po`o was a bodysurfing board, or what surfers today call a bodyboard, bellyboard or Paipo. Paipo boarding probably reached its zenith in the 1950s and 1960s, before being eclipsed by kneeboarding and bodyboarding in the 1970s. It could be there’s no one around who knows more about the Paipo board than Rod Rodgers, who lives in Maryland but comes to the Cocoa Beach area regularly Rod will share his collection of Paipo boards and materials for this exhibit.

  24. RUSS-D

    Lucky me, looks like I will be working in Parish on Tuesday. Already over the bridge and willing to take advantage of that situation 🙂

  25. bcruzer

    @gtstommy – Thanks, keep the stoke alive bro. In my humble opinion, it’s not about what you surf and how good you surf. If I’m seeking for man’s approval, I am losing my freedom of pure fun. It’s all about our passion for the ocean and getting in tuned with nature.

  26. Evy Alland

    so nice to have a good place to visit ThankYOU Micah!
    – BCruzer !! loved your post –
    always love the “line-up” in here

  27. PDUB

    Hey Micah, I’m shipping a board from Florida to California in a few weeks. Would you mind sharing which company you used and how much it cost. Thanks.

  28. Evy Alland

    GoodMonday Morning – Looks like a WAVE week : )))

    curious about the shipping company as well – I left a “gun” in CostaRica – board is my sons – desperate to get it back to the states, ( most beautiful 3 stringer ever ) the “X” says it’s impossible & I do not want to accept no for an answer (Puerto Viejo – Caribe side of CR) Really want the board — any suggests on how I could possibly ship it back?

  29. Rip

    (Admin, this is bucs863 on the mobile. Give me the same avatar if u can.) hope u guys r redy to score this week!

  30. RUSS-D

    I was out on Redington Shores about 2 hours ago and there is a very small south line showing. Fingers crossed for this evening getting bigger. I am working in Parish tomorrow for a couple hours in the a.m. and then I am free to surf the rest of the day. Anyone want to throw out a spot or 2 I can go to on a South swell? I am in the mood to surf somewhere different, that I have never been to. I yend to stick to the spots I grew up surfing.

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