MiD June

Tuesday 8am WFL For the 1st time in a long time there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Just calm conditions in the forecast. That was quite a run of consistent chances to get wet even if it was small. Going into next weekend there will be some onshore flow but it looks 5-10knts from the west, then going slack, light and variable. In the tropics a solid tropical wave is entering the Caribbean. This is a welcome relief to the islands as the trade winds have gone slack and the late afternoons have been really hot in the low 90’s w/o much breeze. The tropical wave will put and end to the above normal temps in the islands. This wave will up the rain chances in Florida early next week. Another tropical wave is expected thru the islands on Friday. No development of these waves is shown on the models. Have a good day…


31 thoughts on “MiD June

  1. JDH

    Any knee high day in May June or July rock!
    How many hundred days of flatness have we sat through in years past?
    With that said, I’m stoked on the reports and pics last week. Glad everyone got some water time in.
    When I can’t get out, reading the reports allows me to put my mind, sitting on my board from that location, looking up and down the coast from out in the water looking back and remembering waves ridden there.
    I sure do appreciate the forecasting and reports.

  2. Ericito

    Surfed behind the drum circle in TI this evening. Easily thigh high and the bars were good there. Maybe mas mañana?

  3. Fuggin

    Scored some weak knee-thigh double ups the past 2 nights. Not epic bit fun lil waves connecting to the inside. Is the gfs smokin that stuff again?

  4. JDH

    Weird Weather… I can’t remember such a drastic change in mid may like that before and the pattern holding, instead of our normal easterly trades.
    It’s great for wave chances. Something to ride more days than not right now.

    Hey, if you’re in Pinellas County, remember that Nitrogen and Phosphorus fertilizers are banned.
    I’m not a big government person and this isn’t the place for politics, but we need this regulation.
    That stuff has been destroying the natural habitat for years and it’s about time.

    1. admin Post author

      Stoked for you guys… definitely a good idea- the ban on fertilizer during summer months, the only suggestion I have is recycle show that you care…

  5. Fuggin

    Btown is chunky, waist plus with some guys on it. Heading south, cam at my fav spot looking semi-dreamy. Get some!

  6. Fuggin

    Man I don’t know where this swell came from, but it was fun! The super secret Sarasota spot was working esp during the incoming/high tide. Gonna have to look at some buoy and sat data to see how this set up. I can’t think of any reason why the light onshore flow produced 4ft@6-7seconds. I did see some storms offshore this afternoon maybe that had something to do with it. Also, definitely a lot of crappy lake O junk floating around down here

  7. Fuggin

    Scored some more knee to thigh this afternoon, weak but nice mini bowls running accross the sandbar.

  8. JDH

    Fuggin, I live in Northwest Pasco and we got drenched yesterday with some seriously heavy rain and some pretty gusty northwest wind.
    I’ve seen it a few times that up here we’d be getting some energy off the Gulf and it’d be clear down south with incoming lines that really show up well on the bars.
    I’ve made the choice to head down south on 75 when it’s like that and scored my former home break alone in Srq. I caught a day last summer at Blind Pass Beach on Mannasota while living in Port Charlotte, on a day just like this.
    It’s real marshy along the coast up here and real shallow but offshore a bit it finally deepens enough to start carrying some swell south.
    I’ve also seen where the winds were straight west, in North Pinellas and not onshore anywhere else south of there and it’d be flat in Indian Rocks up to Clearwater, but I’m up at Honeymoon getting some Longboards slides peeling down around into the inlet. (Before the new t groins there)
    Nothing I love more than to find swell in the Gulf when there’s not supposed to be.
    Swellinfo and magicseaweed can’t call the Gulf.

  9. Joe

    Idk if it’s just me but if it”s not at least waist+ and semi clean I won’t even bother anymore.

  10. Ericito

    Good week of waves! Had the kiddo out a bunch too! Got him piggy backing me when the waves are waist high (too big for a 2 1/2 year old still) ! Awesome week! There are NO yellow geo tubes left at spb. Dredge barge is out front, bunch of new rock jetties. This week was awesome there. There is even a little slab in 2nd bay! So Stoked for the new breaks. There are at least 5 different setups there now! Chewww stay blessed everybody

  11. Fuggin

    Right on JDH, a lil searching & stoke pays off sometimes. If the gfs is right, man the gulf is getting steamy, a watch and wait game for now.

  12. evelyn

    been going through some difficulties – it’s so good to have a safe place – here – and read your posts — JDH…nice insights

  13. fbc

    So far good year for our coast… maybe not in quality terms but frequency been better… and yes, nice to get fun waves last Wed. evening this time of year. Everyone does their “have to” trips away from home… you can thank me this time for the potential days of surf late this week

  14. Fuggin

    It’s official, I’m tropicaly depressed. Did we lose 42098 as well? At least they don’t have to travel far to fix it (assuming its still moored). Dark times my friends…

  15. Ericito

    Thanks for the heads up MW! Got out to spb this morning and it was reallll Fun! Bigger than one foot on the sets for sure!

  16. JDH

    Niiiiice, Ericito. It’s blue skies today. Must’ve been awesome out.
    Yeah fuggin, that’s why it’s good when you took advantage of those smaller days. Just the water time and exercise alone is good. Hate that feeling of paddling when you haven’t in awhile, getting those shoulders into gear.

    Hey MW, We’re you able to make it to the beach during any of the days in 85′ during Hurricane Elena? I remember being a kid with that thing staring down our throats and then it moved 180° and went back out into the Gulf.
    Just the craziest storm track I’ve ever seen.
    Nothing like it since.

    1. admin Post author

      All it takes is a small swell. Somewhere will be rideable… surfing Maria’s with Cass right now 1 to 2ft glassy nobody out good form.just came up this am

      I surfed Madeira beach during Elena. Really fun for a couple days before we got pounded. 85 was insane hurricane season.

  17. G-dawg

    Elena, good times!
    One of the krewe had a key to the former holiday inn Surfside. We showed the key to the police and they let us on beach side. Good waves!
    More mysto swell yesterday. Do those guys have jobs that always catch that spot breaking.

    1. admin Post author

      Those guys are so cool. They are on it… Flexible schedules and lives close to good surf spots is what they have… Ericito also.
      stoked on your steady diet of waves. I hope you get some more before 92L exits stage left…

  18. Ericito

    Little waves this morning for the log at sunset for international surfing Day! Whole bunch of people came out, and at least it was rideable dribble! Can’t complain! And to chime in, i work nights at a dance pants restaurant! So every day with the kiddo and no child care which is awesome!

  19. Cde

    I have no substantial information to back this up, but 42097 has been pinging an 8sec 2ft SW for about 11hrs now. Maybe tomorrow AM will show a surprise bump somewhere?? Whoever finds it I hope gets it good.

  20. EVY

    Finally got me some rides…. yesterday, my fav little wave maker place …. for 30 minutes I forgot about everything….as the grief and worries sat on the beach, I found myself thanking LadyGulf and feeling a depth of gratitude for having learned to surf, the life gift of this experience to ride a wave…. an energy that captivates every part of my being….for the first time in months — I felt dark clouds lift, and I could feel joy.

    1. admin Post author

      woo hoo Evy glad your are ok we were worried about you, stoked you got some waves, hang in there…

  21. EVY

    Sunday morning….. there were more waves…… peeling off my sandbar , between the blue house and Aussie Pines — so perfectly, so morning fresh gorgeous , I lost my breath – Here, Right Now, At this Very Moment were the perfect size & pulse waves for me – as if I had custom ordered. Neptune had flipped the switch, dialed in my name and turned on the WaveGarden.
    Three hours of Waves-w/no-Fangs…..no rips…..no pitches….easy peasy drops and down the line — no fear, only pleasure,…..completely relaxed and in partnership with water –MotherNature. Riding each wave with a knowing I could possibly wait 2 years for just such a perfect set-up to happen again …or *bigsmile* I could see a repeat in 2 weeks,,, delighting in the mind-games one experiences interacting with the untamed forces of nature.
    As always, I was more or less alone feasting on those waves, my hunger was initially insatiable — the mer-girl released from dry-dock riding every wave possible, re-fueling & recharging every cell in my body, hydrating my soul & spirit with life. Every Fly-Away an intoxicating dose of liberation.
    The shoreline was crowded with folks – so alone was relative – I either looked 100% Kook or I had some nice drops and down the line long board rides worthy of photos – I have learned to always do a quick glance at the bikini top to ensure no ooopsies -that said, there were moments of knowing after years of practice – the ol grey mare simply nailed it.
    Observant, I noticed a young girl watching me with focus – She was a tough little critter, taking waves full on in the face – a solid tumble body surfing….. being satiated of waves –I felt the desire to share. Paddling over to her Mom, I asked if her daughter agreed, would it be ok for her daughter to belly ride the board. Mother and daughter agreed – The young girl was a natural and we played together for a while. Afterwards the mother came up to me and thanked me — she told me her daughter is a walking miracle, finally recovered from liver transplant, to watch her daughter have this experience meant the world to her and her father. God is Good.

  22. admin Post author

    wow Evy great surf story! Aren’t you glad you were there? and then you were kind enuf to offer, epic! thanks

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