Sunday am Radar.

Fiona ramping up on approach.

Fiona next week stuck in the Southern Bahamas.

Hopefully waves on the way.

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Wednesday 9/21 WFL Wave WX Outlook 8am Generator Powered, Phone Tethered Report(just my take, make your own decisions) GM guys, trying to get back to work, get a sense of normalcy and routine to this crazy Caribbean life. Here’s my take on 98L: Lets go back and look what happened to Fiona- The EURO pretty much nailed the Fiona track but not the strength. The GFS was a little better on the strength but missed the track bad. With 98L The EURO has it going into Naples WFL as a hurricane, don’t freak out. This is like 7-8 days from now. The GFS has 98L headed to Louisiana, classic track and swell for WFL. If you split the difference you have an Elena 85′ style storm in the Big Bend. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. 98L to me does not look impressive on satellite today and many storms have taken dumps this season despite what the models say. Speaking from experience- you should check your supplies, if something did come your way- your getting a super early warning that may be nothing but it’s always good to be prepared. By this weekend you could get a more solid handle on it. Button up your stuff and start driving north. I’m not telling you what to do, it’s just an idea bc this sucks what PR/DR is going thru right now.
Fiona Crushing Puerto Rico, Hindsight is 20/20: I should have had more gasoline for the generator. I could have used a few more jugs of water. After Fiona AM radio was by far the best source of info. I should have had an AM radio. Make sure your windows are clean and tight. Forget the Models this Year: We thought Fiona would be a weak tropical storm(EURO) instead we got what I thought was a Cat 2 that kicked our butts- not as bad as Maria but Catastrophic flooding and a lot of people lost roofs and homes and lives. Fiona skirted the south coast rounded Cabo Rojo and ran over Mona on the way to DR all the while strengthening. Her big butt trained on Rincon for days, even today. 25 inches of rain at my house, some trees down, a little water in the house, 3 days on the generator so far I have no idea when the power will come back. PR needs a little humility- pride comes before a crash… This sucks but it’s life in the Caribbean it’s normal, it’s been going on for eons of time and any loss is nobody’s fault but ours… God has given and God has taken away let the his name continue to be praised…
